CAMPI architects
Senior Architects

CAMPI 马凯建筑师
个人介绍 Campi (马凯) 在六岁时就树立了成为一名建筑师的理想。他着迷于通过创造舒适的空间来改变人们的感觉和健康。他实现了自己的理想:他的毕业项目得以出版,并且在毕业后获得了多项意大利和国外的奖学金,因此能够继续从事研究工作。后来,他行遍欧洲,参观了众多位于法国、西班牙、英格兰和德国的重要建筑。1999年,他获得了另一项奖学金,并在三年后获得了建筑博士学位。Campi出版了多部著作,其中包括2002年在罗马出版的《诺曼·福斯特——复杂结构和纯几何设计知识》。作为初级建筑师工作数年后,他与妻子Ludovica一同创立了一家小型建筑工作室,在那不勒斯地区建造了几座房屋,为客户做室内整体设计。在室内和工业设计方面,Campi拥有丰富的意大利建筑和家具经验。他曾在意大利国内和国际重要刊物上发表作品,部分作品在澳大利亚出版,并登上了重要书籍的封面。目前,他是那不勒斯费德里克二世大学建筑系的教授、那不勒斯大学城市生态研究中心主任、中意校际联盟主任和中国江南大学设计学院的客座教授。他曾在欧洲多次举办关于建筑和设计的讲座,编写了多部科学书籍,还是部分权威杂志的合作作


CAMPI architects
Max and Ludovica Campi met when they were just students in architecture and became a team in work and in life. They were fascinated by the possibility to change the feelings of persons, improving their wellness, by making a comfortable space. They wanted, They made it: they graduated together cum laude with a project that was considered worthy of publication. After the graduation they continued research activities in Italy and abroad. They travelled a lot around Europe visiting important architectures in France, Spain, England and Germany, collaborating with different architectural firms. After working some years as Junior Architect, Ludovica Campi founded their own architectural firm.
In interior and Industrial design, Campi have a long experience with architecture and furniture made in Italy. Their works have been published from important editors national and international. In particular, some among their works were published in Australia, deserving covers of some prestigious books. They have given numerous conferences on architecture all around Europe and Asia and they are authors of books and collaborators of important magazines.